SOPA 公佈「2014年度卓越新聞獎」入圍名單
SOPA 公佈「2014年度卓越新聞獎」入圍名單
亞洲出版業大放異彩 SOPA連續16年表揚非凡作品
2014年5月22日,香港 – 亞洲出版業協會(SOPA)於今天公佈「2014年度卓越新聞獎」入圍名單,
亞洲出版業協會「2014年度卓越新聞獎」獲香港投資推廣署(金贊助商)及香港高科技有限公司(銀贊助商),以及K11 全力支持。Golin Harris 為公關夥伴,而香港朗廷酒店為指定夥伴酒店。
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg News |
Title of Entry: | India’s Shame |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | Rape in India |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia |
Title of Entry: | Crimes Against Women in India |
Group B
Publication: | Korea Times |
Title of Entry: | Some migrant wives have broken hearts |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | China vice |
Publication: | Thomson Reuters Foundation |
Title of Entry: | Women’s Rights in India |
Group C
Publication: | Eastweek/東週刊 |
Title of Entry: | 打破商界「男性天下」三大女強人上位路 |
Publication: | Eastweek/東週刊 |
Title of Entry: | 法律道德有爭議 單身女人儲卵想生就生 |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia/华尔街日报网络版 |
Title of Entry: | 陈愉专栏 |
Group A
Publication: | China Daily website |
Title of Entry: | Life After Loss – When Families Lose Their Only Child |
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | Breakout: Inside China’s military buildup |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia |
Title of Entry: | For Architecture’s Sake |
Group B
Publication: | Phnom Penh Post |
Title of Entry: | Blow-by-blow election timeline |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | 21HK: What’s in your water? |
Publication: | Yahoo Singapore |
Title of Entry: | Coverage of Little India Riot |
Group C
Publication: | Business Weekly/商業週刊 |
Title of Entry: | Global Battle of Taiwan Brother Black Dog/台灣黑狗兄的全球戰爭 |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine天下雜誌 |
Title of Entry: | “Who Owns the National Park? ” Digital Special Report/「國家公園是誰的?」網路專輯 |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia/华尔街日报网络版 |
Title of Entry: | “以建筑之名” |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg News |
Title of Entry: | India’s Shame |
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | The persecution of Myanmar’s Rohingya |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | The Collapse of Rana Plaza in Bangladesh |
Group B
Publication: | Korea Times |
Title of Entry: | Minority Report |
Publication: | The Edge Review |
Title of Entry: | Buddhist Militancy in Southeast Asia |
Publication: | Time Out Hong Kong |
Group C
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 安華誓擦掉國陣光環 |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine Group/康健雜誌(天下雜誌群) |
Title of Entry: | Caring Elderly Parents , Who we Love/照顧年老父母,我們所愛的人 |
Publication: | Financial Times/ |
Title of Entry: | “The Dissidents” Series: Wang Dan and Liu Xiaobo/现代中国的政治流亡者 |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg Markets |
Title of Entry: | India’s Cancer Surge |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | Beijing’s Offshore Shadow |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia |
Title of Entry: | CSI: Philippines-Style |
Group B
Publication: | Philippine Daily Inquirer |
Title of Entry: | Meeting a Monster |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Bo’s descent into darkness |
Publication: | The Straits Times / The Sunday Times |
Title of Entry: | Behind the silver surge |
Group C
Publication: | City Magazine/號外 |
Title of Entry: | One Year in the Village of Wukan/《烏坎一年》 |
Publication: | Financial Times/ |
Title of Entry: | Lunch with the FT: Chen Xiaolu/与F T 共进午餐:陈小鲁 |
Publication: | 遠見雜誌 |
Title of Entry: | 未來的電 哪裡來? |
Group A
Publication: | Action Asia |
Title of Entry: | September/October 2013 issue |
Publication: | Bloomberg Markets |
Title of Entry: | Bloomberg Pursuits, Holiday Issue |
Publication: | SILVERKRIS |
Title of Entry: | SILVERKRIS May 2013 |
Group B
Publication: | Style:MEN |
Title of Entry: | Style:MEN September 2013 |
Publication: | Tasting Kitchen |
Title of Entry: | Issue 09- Treasures of the Sea |
Publication: | THE PEAK |
Title of Entry: | THE PEAK April 2013 |
Group C
Publication: | Bloomberg Businessweek (Traditional Chinese Edition)/彭博商業週刊/中文版 |
Title of Entry: | Come out |
Publication: | LEAP/艺术界 |
Title of Entry: | THE GOOD OLD WAYS/复古 |
Publication: | The Outlook Magazine/新視線 |
Title of Entry: | YOHJI YAMAMOTO/山本耀司 |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg Markets |
Title of Entry: | The Color of Money |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | Art and fraud in China |
Publication: | TIME Asia |
Title of Entry: | China’s Hacker King |
Group B
Publication: | DestinAsian |
Title of Entry: | A New Season for Sumba”; “Kingdom in the Clouds”; “On Safari in Sri Lanka”; “Jakarta Modern.” |
Publication: | The Bangkok Post |
Title of Entry: | Urban cycling |
Publication: | Time Out KL |
Title of Entry: | Broke in KL |
Group C
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine |
Title of Entry: | Green Living Initiative:The New ‘Good Cuisine’ Movement |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine |
Title of Entry: | Why Hong Kong Is Smitten with Taiwan |
Publication: | Life Magazine/生活月刊 |
Title of Entry: | The Road of Tea/茶之路 |
Group A
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | The deeper agenda behind ‘Abenomics’ |
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | Breakout: Inside China’s military buildup |
Publication: | TIME Asia |
Title of Entry: | The Drugs Don’t Work |
Group B
Publication: | Asia Sentinel |
Title of Entry: | Thailand’s Political Crisis |
Publication: | The Edge Review |
Title of Entry: | 1) The Fight for Malaysia’s Soul, 2) The Big Gamble, 3) Najib’s High-Wire Act |
Publication: | Time Out Hong Kong |
Title of Entry: | The Pearl River Delta Megacity: Will it be the death of Hong Kong? |
Group C
Publication: | Hong Kong Economic Journal/信報財經新聞 |
Title of Entry: | 產業困境系列報道 |
Publication: | Yazhou Zhoukan/亞洲週刊 |
Title of Entry: | Vested interest behind the soaring price of Hong Kong taxi license/香港天價的士牌照背後利益格局 |
Publication: | 遠見雜誌 |
Title of Entry: | 1700億台幣交易大追蹤 |
Group A
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | Bangkok uprising |
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | Haiyan’s aftermath |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | Typhoon Haiyan coverage |
Group B
Publication: | Myanmar Times |
Title of Entry: | Letpadaung fury |
Publication: | Myanmar Times |
Title of Entry: | The Mansi offensive |
Publication: | The New Paper |
Title of Entry: | Little India Riot: Police cars overturned, some in flames |
Group C
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 摘取那碰不到的願星 |
Publication: | Business Today/今週刊 |
Title of Entry: | The truth of Taiwan/真相台灣 |
Publication: | 明報 |
Title of Entry: | 守住燭光 |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg Markets |
Title of Entry: | Amway’s Harvard Guanxi |
Publication: | Bloomberg News |
Title of Entry: | Tech’s Hidden Costs |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | Wall Street’s Golden Ties to China’s Elite |
Group B
Publication: | KiniBiz |
Title of Entry: | On the trail of 1MDB’s billions – a tale of fortunes lost |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Shanghai Free Trade Zone |
Publication: | The Edge Review |
Title of Entry: | The Big Gamble |
Group C
Publication: | Business Today/今周刊 |
Title of Entry: | Terminate Taiwan: decrypt samsung’s plan/三星滅台計畫 |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine |
Title of Entry: | The Two Faces of China |
Publication: | 遠見雜誌 |
Title of Entry: | 兩岸科技大車拼 誰是最後的贏家? |
Group A
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia |
Title of Entry: | Fukushima: Contamination and Containment |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia |
Title of Entry: | Judging Japan’s Experiment |
Publication: | TODAY |
Title of Entry: | ‘A-HEAD’ of its time |
Group B
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | City of anarchy |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Under the sea |
Publication: | The Straits Times / The Sunday Times |
Title of Entry: | Tech from nature |
Group C
Publication: | Bloomberg Businessweek (Traditional Chinese Edition)/彭博商業周刊/中文版 |
Title of Entry: | New Hong Konger/新香港人 |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine天下雜誌 |
Title of Entry: | Taiwan’s 12 Controversial National Park Development Cases/台灣12大國家公園爭議開發案! |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine天下雜誌 |
Title of Entry: | The New Tech Paradigm:Why Taiwan Still Matters!/非台灣不可:科技新四強,群雄爭霸戰! |
Group A
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | Bangkok uprising redux |
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | Super typhoon flattens the Philippines |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | Typhoon Haiyan coverage |
Group B
Publication: | Phnom Penh Post |
Title of Entry: | 2013 Cambodian election (package) |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Bo in the dock |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Snowden breaks cover |
Group C
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 埃及樂蜀熱氣球爆炸慘劇 |
Publication: | Caixin Media/财新传媒 |
Title of Entry: | Serial reports of Oil pipeline blast in Qingdao/青岛中石化管道爆炸事故系列报道 |
Publication: | 明報 |
Title of Entry: | 熱氣球爆炸 9港客埃及亡慘劇 |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg News |
Title of Entry: | Bloomberg View, China’s Unsteady Rises |
Publication: | Financial Times |
Title of Entry: | The China story |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | The Excesses of Power |
Group B
Publication: | Korea Times |
Title of Entry: | A Whiff of Singapore |
Publication: | The Edge Review |
Title of Entry: | 1) Is Jokowi Indonesia’s Future, 2) BaMaJa, Anyone? 3) Pork Barrel Thievery, 4) Indonesia’s KPK Changes the Game, 5) Thailand, Thaksin and Turmoil |
Publication: | The Straits Times / The Sunday Times |
Title of Entry: | Prepare for the next horror that surely will come |
Group C
Publication: | Financial Times/ |
Title of Entry: | Where China stands after the plenary session/从看中国政治格局走向 |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia/华尔街日报网絡版 |
Title of Entry: | 张千帆专栏 |
Publication: | Yazhou Zhoukan/亞洲週刊 |
Title of Entry: | Bloodshed in North Korean political arena and the lesson of Stalinist purges in Soviet Union/俄羅斯鏡子映照朝鮮 斯大林主義血腥教訓 |
Group A
Category cancelled
Group B
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Snowden: America’s most wanted |
Publication: | The Straits Times / The Sunday Times |
Title of Entry: | Air defence zone a lose-lose for Beijing? |
Publication: | The Straits Times / The Sunday Times |
Title of Entry: | Reviving the land of the rising sun |
Group C
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 狼英治下2013 |
Publication: | Apple Daily, Taiwan branch/台灣蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | President Ma’s Pretending Reconciliation/馬「假和解 仍要戰」不再抗告 追打關說 |
Publication: | Bloomberg Businessweek (Traditional Chinese Edition)/彭博商業周刊/中文版 |
Title of Entry: | 香港議會抗議文化 |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg Businessweek |
Title of Entry: | “Drowning Kiribati” |
Publication: | Financial Times |
Title of Entry: | Environmental degradation faced by the Chinese government |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Title of Entry: | Environmental Turning Point in China |
Group B
Publication: | Discovery Channel Magazine |
Title of Entry: | Fixing Food |
Publication: | Phnom Penh Post |
Title of Entry: | Last days of a valley damned |
Publication: | The Bangkok Post |
Title of Entry: | Blood in the Forest |
Group C
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 血肉衣裳 |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine |
Title of Entry: | Green Living Initiative:The New ‘Good Cuisine’ Movement |
Publication: | 遠見雜誌 |
Title of Entry: | 未來的電 哪裡來? |
Group A
Publication: | Action Asia |
Title of Entry: | “Life at the end of the world” |
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | Kiribati: Gone in 60 years |
Publication: | TIME Asia |
Title of Entry: | Drug-Resistant TB in India |
Group B
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Minimum thinking |
Publication: | Tasting Kitchen |
Title of Entry: | SPICE WORLD |
Publication: | Yahoo Malaysia |
Title of Entry: | Why ‘Mr Titanium’ could be Malaysia’s most inspirational man |
Group C
Publication: | EAST WEEK MAGAZINE/東周刊 |
Title of Entry: | 揭病雞來源地 輸港鮮雞變隱形殺手 |
Publication: | Lianhe Zaobao/联合早报 |
Title of Entry: | 伶人说戏 |
Publication: | The Outlook Magazine/新視線 |
Title of Entry: | YOHJI YAMAMOTO/山本耀司 |
Group A
Category cancelled
Group B
Publication: | Philippine Daily Inquirer |
Title of Entry: | They laughed while firing |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Snowden breaks cover |
Publication: | South China Morning Post |
Title of Entry: | Zhou Yongkang |
Group C
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 港視排第二出局 |
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 發展局高官新界東北利益衝突系列 |
Publication: | Business Today/今周刊 |
Title of Entry: | Deadly artificial food/要命恐怖食材 |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg News |
Title of Entry: | Tech’s Hidden Costs |
Publication: | Reuters |
Title of Entry: | The persecution of Myanmar’s minority Muslims |
Publication: | The Wall Street Journal Asia |
Title of Entry: | Typhoon Haiyan: Anatomy of a Disaster |
Group B
Publication: | Phnom Penh Post |
Title of Entry: | Giving more than 100% |
Publication: | The Bangkok Post |
Title of Entry: | Rampage at Ramkhamheang |
Publication: | The Bangkok Post |
Title of Entry: | Blood in the Forest |
Group C
Publication: | Apple Daily/香港蘋果日報 |
Title of Entry: | 發展局高官新界東北利益衝突系列 |
Publication: | CommonWealth Magazine |
Title of Entry: | Big Companies, Low Taxes:The Secrets behind Shortfall |
Publication: | 明報 |
Title of Entry: | 揭發前廉政專員湯顯明醜聞 |
Group A
Publication: | Bloomberg News |
Name of Journalist: | Andrew MacAskill |
Publication: | The Associated Press |
Name of Journalist: | Todd Pitman |
Publication: | The International New York Times |
Name of Journalist: | Keith Bradsher |
Group B
Category cancelled
Group C
Category cancelled
亞洲出版業協會(The Society of Publishers in Asia 簡稱SOPA)成立於1982年,旨在推廣出版界的專業地位、協調本地及外國媒體在亞洲的合作,以及促進出版業成員之間的瞭解和互動為主要目標。亞洲出版業協會總部設在香港,代表許多國際性、區域性、本地及環繞亞洲的媒體機構。作為非牟利團體,協會每年均舉辦享負盛名的卓越新聞獎,為亞洲新聞報導定下世界級標準及表揚亞太區出色的傳媒工作。
Ms. Cherry Chan
電話:+852 3589-9778
電郵:[email protected]